Aloha, my G12 ohana!
We come to the end of round 2 of the G12 Adventures blog. A
very big THANK YOU to the 18 people (62% of the cohort) who blogged in this
round and shared your current experiences with the rest of the cohort! It has
been wonderful knowing what you are about with the brief glimpses each of you
In the 1st and 2nd rounds of the blog,
I contacted each one of you to schedule your blog months/ fortnights and then
sent reminders nearer to your blogging dates. Even so, some of you who had
reconfirmed your blogging schedules did not post. I understand it is difficult
to have to post to a schedule rather than posting when you feel like sharing
something. As such, I think the third round of this blog should be on a post
anytime you want basis. Simply feel free to share what you like, when you want
to, on the blog. If you still prefer a schedule, do let me know :)
Gretchen made an interesting blog post likening posting on
this blog to shouting down a canyon and not knowing whether there would be a
response or not. Since this blog came into being in 2013, I have thought a lot
about this, especially as to how to make the blog more interactive. The success
of a blog is often measured in terms of the interaction and online dialogue
that goes on with each blog post. However, I began to gradually feel that in
our specific circumstance, the blog success did not necessarily have to be
defined in the same way. When each of you posts something on the blog, I have
been delighted to read about what you are up to. I hope it has been the same for you. The blog has been a way of catching
up on what you are experiencing at a particular time, which would not have been
possible otherwise. I began to feel that our blog posts were more like
postcards posted online for the rest of the cohort. Postcards are lovely, one
does not generally expect a response but on occasion, one does receive a
postcard in return. Perhaps we could rename our blog “Postcards from G12”… what
say you?
More importantly, are you happy with the postcard nature of
the blog posts? Or, do you want it to be more interactive? If you want it to be
more interactive, please do share a few ideas on how to make it so?
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