Yes! I’m on
the new path of my life’s journey…
beginning to do my own business.
Nothing the same as many books I read about startups. At the
point of uncertainty, I struggle to go forward and look backward all the time.
My business idea is so simple that many people don’t think
it will work out well.
It begins from the book called ‘Business Model Generation’
that I read on January of this year.
The first time I read the book, I did not think about doing
business. I read it because a friend wanted me to share about this topic among
their friends. After the first time as a trainer to speak about this topic, I
fall in love with it!
Moreover, one of the participants invited me to teach
their business partners…. That was the beginning!!
After learning about Business Model Canvas, the theory in
Business Model Generation book, and teach amount of people, finally, I wanted
to test it with myself.

More than 1,000 people access to our website after opening
only 2 week! We create the line group to collect people that tell us on the web
that they are interested to discuss more about this topic.
My first one day seminar began on 3rd October
with a little amount of people. However, the good word-of-mouth spreading to
the social network increases the participant number.
I just organized 1st BMC meeting on last Friday (27
Nov) at Tooney Toy Museum again the feedback of the event was amazing. The
participants stayed overtime to discuss their creative idea.
I do not know where my path to lead me to. I like the
sentence about the Startup’s problem of Dr. Alexander Osterwalder, the writer
of BMC theory that Startup business is changing too fast all the time to find
the right direction to jump in.
I am on it… the fast changing and high flexibility in every
aspect of my life. I talks to new people to find out the new possibilities
almost every day, some may agree some may not and some give me the good
suggestion. I do not know how long does this period take, but I know in my mind
is I am growing and walking closer to my dream to have my own company.
By the way, if you want to see what I am doing, here is my web
(Thai language only)
Mahalo.... Thanks for reading,